Worth Fighting For (satirical essay)

       Is there anything worth fighting for anymore? The threats of religious fundamentalism, and daily slaughterings are knocking down our doors. This fractured diseased government that currently reigns are selling all our dreams down the drain. Is there anything worth fighting for anymore? It's easy to ridicule the ones in charge, make light of their outrageous disregard for human life. Sadly though there is a seriousness and an impending danger we must realize could be on the horizon, coming ever so closer. Slowly our freedom is being suppressed until many of the rights we grown so accustomed to and even took for granted will eventually disappear. Our president is more then just a buffoon with a silly hair due. What if all his plans of a modern, fascist, ultra capitalist oligarchy came to fruition? A utopia of white, riches and greed for the select few, the chosen ones. What would you do? Would you fight? More then likely you'd just fall in line. A revolutionary mind is really hard to find. What if they took your family, all your money and worldly possessions? Then would you fight?  I see half-assed protests with silly chanting, "Love trumps hate." They say. To me it's just a social gathering to try and get a date. Perhaps we lost our will to fight back. I'm not a militant but I'm hardly a pacifist. What would you do if your government went too far? Really fuck ed things up for everyone, would you fight? 

     Maybe they're just too many distractions in today's society to blind us from reality? Too many media outlets and smart phones, too many meaningless pastimes. I'm not opposed to modern forms of entertainment. No matter how plastic, fabricated and very complicated they've all become. Don't let them assassinate your individuality, Your own thoughts, your own desperate feelings of these current events. I'm not an anarchist, I believe  someone must be held responsible, I believe in a certain amount of law and order. No matter how much I feel like an outlaw at heart I do believe in a peaceful existence and functioning society. At this juncture, in this country at this moment I have absolutely zero confidence, no respect and even a growing amount of fear and Paranoia for the ones in charge. We can't fight with conventional weapons, I'm not a proponent of violence but we must make our voices heard. There should be enough descent, and disdain for the ghouls running this regime to force change. Would you fight? By any means necessary. Would you go as far as rioting in the Street? Would you be willing to be arrested? How far and how much can the system burn you before you feel you've have Enough? Or maybe there's nothing worth fighting for anymore.


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