Israel: War Crimes, Imperialism, Illegal Settlements, How Far Will It Go?
The state of Israel was created on May 18th, 1948. Harry Truman was the US president and David Ben-Gurion was the first Israeli Prime minister. I'm not going to get into a history lesson about Palestinian evictions, the six day war or the fact most Arab nations still refuse to accept Israel's existence. This is about the current events going on in Israel and the surrounding areas. Israel is hell-bent on expansion, that can't be disputed. They're also primed to possess the most powerful military in the middle east, with the help of the US, UK, France etc. The only real competition in the region, Turkey are more worried about defending their borders from Kurdish "rebels" and securing a chunk of Libya's oil. Benjamin Netayahu, current prime minister, potential convict,and Zionist hero has adeptly used his abnormally close relationship with the Trump admistration to break basically every international crime in the books. The outrageous Golan Heights ann...