Israel: War Crimes, Imperialism, Illegal Settlements, How Far Will It Go?

   The state of Israel was created on May 18th, 1948. Harry Truman was the US president and David Ben-Gurion was the first Israeli Prime minister. I'm not going to get into a history lesson about Palestinian evictions, the six day war or the fact most Arab nations still refuse to accept Israel's existence. This is about the current events going on in Israel and the surrounding areas. Israel is hell-bent on expansion, that can't be disputed. They're also primed to possess the most powerful military in the middle east, with the help of the US, UK, France etc. The only real competition in the region, Turkey are more worried about defending their borders from Kurdish "rebels" and securing a chunk of Libya's oil. Benjamin Netayahu, current prime minister, potential convict,and Zionist hero has adeptly used his abnormally close relationship with the Trump admistration to break basically every international crime in the books.

    The outrageous Golan Heights annexation was helped along by Pompeo and Trump. It's been off limits since the end of the war in '67. Still Netanyahu's shamelessly illegal land grab was just the beginning. We hear so much about Chairman Xi, Erdogan, and Putin as international boogie men lurking around the third World for natural resources. But we much too rarely here about Netanyahu being the most murderous world leader of the 21st century thus far. Sorry Bashar Al Assad but the head Zionist in charge had got you beat, and perhaps by a much larger number then anyone in the media will care to admit.

   Israeli imperialism is a different animal then say Chinese imperialism. Their version is based more on economic deals which allows Chinese goods to flow throughout the world by building industrial complexes, harbors and commercial entities in poor, relatively third and fourth world countries like Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Mynamar. It's a quick fix deal for those poor and desperate nations in need of immediate economic help. They then become subservient to China due to the debt they'll never be able to reimburse. It's called 5he belt and road initiative, no one gets hurt or killed per se but the final result is Chinese dominance over much of the third world. Israeli imperialism is based on fear and more recently bribing certain Arab nations for open relations i.e. Sudan, Bahrain, Morocco and the UAE. The fear angle comes with their militaristic actions in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Israel uses the weaponry sold to them, at a sweet discount by the US to invoke fear through nightly bombings raids and IDF intimidations, especially in Gaza and the West Bank. Their only true competition in the middle east, Iran has fallen on bad times due to the egregious sanctions imposed by the Trump admistration after bailing on the nuclear deal agreed with the Obama administration and several European countries. To further weaker Iran's military, the US murdered two well respected, successful generals at the international airport in Baghdad. Israel has since used their massive superiority in air power to bomb iranian militia groups wherever they could find them. Without much of a peep from the UNSC, or mass media israel without any declaration of war continue to bomb parts of Syria nightly, and quite illegally if you study the Geneva Convention.

    The West Bank is currently the biggest shit show, law breaking land grab going on in the world. Illegal towns being built on Palestinian territory, mass evictions, giant concrete walls topped off with barbed wire separate internationally illegal settlements from what's left of Palestinian neighborhoods. Before they kicked their dreams of an aparteid system in gear Israel made sure to take control of all of jerusalem, thanks to Trump and Mike Pompeo moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv, basically allowing israel and the Likud party to  gain complete control over the previously disputed city.

   The real question is where does netanyahu and the militaristic, imperial actions of him and his ultra conservative zionists allies go from here. By the end of January their main enablers Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump will no longer be in power. Now I'm not implying Joe Biden and his secretary of state Tony Blinken will pull a foreign policy 180. They will continue US policy of being completely pro Israel and pro Israeli expansionism. I do have some hope that with certain democrats now running foreign policy will ease up on the gifts granted to netanyahu in terms of land and weapons. Plus the Israeli government is in a crisis at this time, with a supposed power sharing agreement between Likud and Benny Gantz's centrist blue and white party taking a turn for the worst. Old Bibi is facing criminal fraud charges and this writer is hoping if convicted he will never be able to goad enough israeli civilians to vote for him, keep him in power and continue Israel's illegal, immoral bullying of Palestine and other neighboring states. How much further will it go? When Israel is the size of California and Palestine is completely wiped of the map or forced to continue to be treated as second class citizens? Well we know a two state solution isn't going to be accomplished anytime soon, so expect more bombings, illegal land grabs and the international community to continue turning there collective backs.


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