Special Edition: Sedition At the US Capitol

    I'm never one for Prophesies, writing them, fulfilling them or believing them. When I wrote a specific op-ed several weeks ago about the possible chaos that could ensue after a Donald Trump presidential defeat, I never could have imagined the outrageous and unbelievably brash events that occured on January 6th in Washington DC. Trump supporters with the blessings of their idol, and outgoing commander stormed the Senate, literally. The siege lastest hours, the newscasts expressed their shock and disgust at the far right radicals behavior. America was becoming a third world country before our very eyes and the debate along with the violence and vitriol of these hopped up, so called "Proud Boys" were a raging four alarm dumpster fire. If this were Antifa, would the tear gas and hoses be used hours before they were finally fire at the insurrectionists? Would the three lives lost had been spared? Not that anyone really cares, but could the visuals of maniacs defacing Nancy Pelosi's office and rummaging through the Senate floors be avoided? To keep this short and to the heart of the matter I'm going to attempt at making sense of the madness the whole world witnessed on that Wednesday afternoon, when it seemed a coup d'etat provoked by and promoted by the man himself. The day he sent his most loyal zealots on a commando mission, one which Trump and his followers could always remember as the day they made American history for better or much, much worse.

   I never thought"Making America Great Again," meant separating half the country and then on his final days in office attempting to destroy one of D.C.'s most hallowed monuments. Now I'm not one for developing sentiment to a statue or a government building, yet I have come to elicit a certain amount of respect for some , definitely not all of our democratic institutions. I'm not a proponent of anarchy. I don't agree in inciting a riot because a billionaire, potential future defendant, who cares very little for anyone but himself lost an election. It's become increasingly unsettling that Trumpism has had such a mind numbing, delirious effect on its devotees. As I sat quietly in front of my television and witnessed angry rioters throwing sticks and chairs at Metro Police trying to barricade the front entrance of the capitol I couldn't help but ponder, what if Trump had "stolen" the election and these were fed up left wing dissidents acting out in a similar fashion. Would I have jumped to their defense? Would I searched for evidence of police brutality instead of focusing on the political aspect of this insurrection? I can't help but envision myself more than likely being guilty of that offense. As a writer being objective is important, especially when "reporting" on a story such as this one. My disdain for lower middle class Americans putting themselves in harms way for either of these candidates would remain the same. I'd ask many of those people storming the US Capitol as if they were storming the beaches at Normandy was it really worth it in the end? Potential injuries or death, and or prison time sticking their necks out for a failed businessman, turned failed one term president. Was it worth losing a family over, losing an arm or a leg over? Time will tell if this post Trump defeat psychosis will continue or even worsen.

    Trump has since finally accepted defeat as of Friday, of course in his own arrogant manner. But maybe, finally this unbridled stupidity will cease, once and for all. Joe Biden can only bear witness like every other concerned American until he officially takes office January 21st. Biden, thanks to the double upset victory in the Georgia Senate runoff has control if the legislative and executive branch of the government. I will elaborate much more about the potential of his first four years in office in my next official editorial, but for now it's about cleaning up the mess the Trumpists created that Wednesday, January 6th. It's about sanitizing the stench and many stains left over by the previous regime. I never intend to use such a term to describe a US presidents time in office. But in this case I find it appropriate. From beginning and certainly to the end, Trump riled up his base when it served his interests best. He was quoted as "thanking" these criminals for their bravery and also how much he "loves" them. Is this how he treats people he loves? Maybe Donald isn't capable of love, he certainly is not capable of any positive feelings or leadership. In closing the events at the US Capitol this week we're unprecedented and maybe unpreventable. It could've just been an expensive and important learning experience, don't fall for any politician and their agendas. With someone like Hillary you may have just been extremely disappointed and hung out to dry on an election night. Yet with Donald Trump you could've ended up in the emergency room or in the local county jail. The lesser of two evils has never been a more disconcerting term. Anyway my heart goes out to the victims of this action. Welcome to 2021!



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