Israel's Four Elections in Two Years, Bibi's Way Toward Autocracy



     The so-called "Jewel of Democracy" in the Middle East has melted down into a chaotic, mismanaged mess when it comes to its Parliamentary style election of Prime Minister. The Knesset, which is Israel's version of the House of Commons in Great Britain, has been unable to claimed a winner in four elections over the passed two years. We'll get to how this is a perfect, deceitful ruse to keep Benjamin Netanyahu, and more importantly, his ultra-right wing, imperialistic, Likud Party in power as long as possible. Unlike, say Vladimir Putin in Russia, with his phony, perpetually rigged "elections” aimed to present him a lifetime seat as President for life, Israel must portray the facade of an actual functioning Democracy that the International community can be assured that Israel's elections are free and more importantly, fair elections in the mold of the US, UK and other Western Democracies. After a stalemated election for a 3rd time, in March of 2020, (the third similar result in the same year), his opponent and closest rival through these debacles was Benny Gantz, who ran as a Centrist, from the new, yet fledgling, Blue and White Party. The third unprecedented deadlock lead to a power sharing agreement, helped along by Israeli President Reuvin Rivlin. (info courtesy of

    The most egregious aspect of these pointless, exercises in futility, is that Benjamin Netanyahu's day in court on various corruption charges have seemingly been placed on a semi-permanent backburner. In November of 2019, Netanyahu was officially charged with 3 counts of fraud and breach of trust, while also getting charged with bribery (info courtesy of the BBC). Contrary to our former US criminal in Chief, these charges are actually still waiting to be sorted out in an Israeli court of law. Despite that, Netanyahu is still the "acting" Prime Minister, and some of the actions he’s been taking have been quite controversial since 2019. The continued aggression against Iran has been ramped up since then with numerous, illegal , bombing campaigns in Syria and near the Lebanese border. These acts are supposedly for self-defense purposes but we all are smarter then they think, these are actions to try and intimidate not only Hezbollah, various other "terrorists" organizations, but most importantly Hamas, who oversee and protect the Palestinians living in Gaza. In 2019, an article written by, declared that in December of 2019, one month after the corruption charges were dropped on Bibi's lap, that Israel, which already reportedly carried out thousands of air raids in Syria throughout recent years, but rapidly picked up in frequency in the final month of 2019  "to intense and unprecedented" levels. Perhaps the Prime Minister worried his end was near and wanted to unload his discounted US granted cache of weaponry on his perceived enemies in the region before his unceremonious ousting. But that final part never did happen, due to technicalities in the electoral process and the staunch loyalties on the far-right in Israeli politics have done just enough electioneering and fear mongering to keep their Prince of Israel security in office as long as humanely possible.

    Netanyahu is a Zionists dream, working together hand and hand with the most powerful nation on earth to build his illegal, immoral brand of Utopia. Of course, that wondrous Society he’s aiming to construct comes at the cost of other peoples lives and liberties. A concrete walled, barbed wired paradise where a modern aparteid is becoming ever closer to a reality. A force field of super missiles to protect modern Judea from any outside Arab influence, or at least any they deem undesirable. Before some accuse me of Anti-Semitism please just view some of the same documentary footage I have and we can debate the subject matter more intensely. Furthermore, like any other modern capitalist enclave, you do have your other end of the population which deems the right wing, corrupt and Islamaphobic ruling class as dangerous as I do. There are Israeli leftist who believe, as many of us do, that a land is being stolen out from under their neighbors by the kleptocracy which has been behind the wheel for the past decade, mainly Benjamin Netanyahu. Still, it's been extremely difficult to accrue the votes to build a large enough coalition to send Bibi to the retirement house, big house or an outhouse. His reign of power has now lasted since 2009 and he had a short three year stint from 1996-1999. ( info courtesy of There's been an intifada (2000-2005) amongst angry Palestinians, war with Lebanon and Hezbollah (2006) these conflicts weren't started during Netanyahu's watch as Prime Minister, but he was certainly working behind the scenes, using these violent episodes as a benchmark to begin his idealism as Israel as a police state, which should be cordoned off from any Palestinian/Arab influence (

   11 years it's been of refusal to even discuss a two-state solution, various acts of aggression and using Anti-Semitism to scare certain International entities into acceptance. The fact a politician facing actual criminal charges and still being able to run the most controversial State, in the most volatile region in the world is a crime in itself. The best way for Israel, Palestine and the many other outside influences to get at least close to the same page is get out from under Bibi and Likud's dreams of colonization. The left wing in Israel needs to band together for the sake of humanity and find someone worth voting for so we can some new, progressive blood in charge so a fair, two-state solution may still be a possibility in the future.



  1. Netanyahu is nothing but a common thief, a liar and a warmonger. He stays in power by bringing out the worst in the Likud party (bribery, extortion, flattery, pay for play, etc.) He cares nothing about the Israeli people (or Palestinians) as he has proven by his vaccination agenda for Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccine passports. Psychopathic, authoritarian and fascist in nature, he remains a threat not only to Jews, Arabs, but humanity as a whole.


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